
It was inevitable that this blog would venture into React at some point, right? Well, I'm relearning React. I had a very cursory introduction to it in my bootcamp back in 2016, which was not a deep dive (despite what the bootcamp advertised when I applied) and quickly went out of date. I went on to complete Wes Bos's React For Beginners course, which guided me through building his Catch of the Day app. And I've built several sites in Gatsby (including this site) and Next.js.

At the time of this writing I'm going through Josh W. Comeau's Joy of React course and really enjoying it so far. Despite the things I know about React, this course is showing me a great deal about how it works under the hood. I'll probably do a course review here when I've finished, but in the meantime here are things I've learned about React, all gathered in one place: