
Hey, I'm Joey

I'm a Web Developer in Austin, Texas and I've been writing web code for a long, long time. I remember logging into Geocities on a dial-up modem and struggling to figure out how HTML, CSS, and JavaScript could all work together to show a fly-out menu on mouse hover. In high school I would spend hours trying to achieve a minimalist style on my Myspace profile. There was no Stack Overflow at the time, just trial, error, and patience.

Joey Reyes, wearing a navy blue jacket and a lighter blue v-neck shirt, sticking his head into a mirrored box, so there are numerous reflections to his left and right.

I started the most recent chapter of my coding journey in February 2016, when I was accepted into the Coding Bootcamp at the University of Texas. It was an intense experience that transformed my relationship with web development. For six months I delivered coffee for a small, local roasting company during the day, and in the evenings immersed myself in the world of Node, Express, and React.

I currently work as a Team Lead Senior Web Engineer at Sprout Social, and was previously a Senior Web Developer at Austin PBS. My professional developer career has had me both supporting legacy, proprietary systems as well as composing modern web apps. I've written email template HTML, supported sites written in Dreamweaver 2.0, and modernized WordPress sites that are old enough to have a driver's license. I have led a number of websites redesigns, and rebuilt legacy systems around modern, cutting edge technology stacks. I've even presented at a national conference about the website redesign process.

While web development tools have evolved tremendously from what they were when I first started out hacking away on Geocities, my passion, patience, and curiosity help me keep my skillset sharp and fresh. From best web accessibility practices to the benefits and tradeoffs of the next hot framework, I'm constantly learning, practicing, and deploying.

Let's build some cool stuff together.

I can be reached through email or LinkedIn. You can read about some selected projects on my work page or check out my GitHub.

Views and opinions expressed here are my own.