- Web Audio API in React
- Web Audio API
- Bye Bye, Gatsby
- React: Typewriter Effect
- React: Fetch Data on Mount
- Axios Request
- Fetch Request
- XHR Request
- Write Music with Code! Workshop
- Custom Image Loaders in Next.js
- Copy to New Array
- 2023 Wrap Up
- AWS Amplify Unit Test
- King Arthur Bake Mode
- React: State
- React: Event Handlers
- React: Props
- React: Styling
- React: Conditional Rendering
- React: Iteration
- React: Structure, Components, and Fragments
- React: Basics
- React
- Sonic Pi: Randomization
- Sonic Pi: Samples
- Sonic Pi: Envelopes
- Sonic Pi: Basics
- Sonic Pi
- Getting Started with Raspberry Pi
- Review: JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Masterclass
- What is a Symlink?
- 2022 Wrap Up
- Sprout Social Index
- Closures
- Scope
- Types in JavaScript
- == and ===
- Implicit Coercion
- Explicit Coercion
- Coercion: ToString, ToNumber, and ToBoolean
- What is an IIFE?
- Function Declaration vs. Function Expression
- var, let, and const
- Frontend JavaScript Pop Quiz
- Centering Things in CSS
- Pedernales Falls State Park
- Strict Mode
- 2021 Wrap Up
- Logical Assignment Operators
- Promise.resolve()
- Promise.reject()
- Promise.race()
- Promise.any()
- Promise.allSettled()
- Promise.all()
- Promise
- Private Accessors
- Private Class Methods
- .replaceAll() String Method
- Radix Sort
- Old Tunnel State Park
- Dependency Injection
- Queue
- Stack
- Quicksort
- Doubly Linked List
- Passing a Variable by Value or Reference
- Undefined vs. Null
- Reverse Linked List
- McKinney Falls State Park
- Remove Nth Node from End of List
- Delete Node in a Linked List
- Singly Linked List
- Rotate Image
- Kreische Brewery & Monument Hill State Historic Sites
- Valid Sudoku
- Intersection of Two Arrays II
- Rotate an Array
- Merge Sort
- Lyndon B. Johnson State Park and Historic Site
- Loops in JavaScript
- Enchanted Rock State Natural Area
- Colorado Bend State Park
- 100 Days of Code Challenge (2021)
- Gatsby 3 Migration
- .flat() Method
- Bastrop State Park
- Buescher State Park
- The Quadratic Sorting Algorithms
- Should I Do A Coding Bootcamp?
- Big O Notation
- Big Bend 2020
- /uses Contribution
- WordPress Template Files
- Wild Ass Gradients Project
- Austin PBS Redesign
- 100 Days Of Code Challenge (2020)
- ACL Hall of Fame Redesign
- Austin City Limits Redesign
- Regular Expressions
- Format a String of Names Exercise
- Prefill an Array Exercise
- Reverse Words Exercise
- WordPress Basics
- Test Driven Development And Other Paradigms
- What is `this`?
- Tackling a Website Redesign
- Object.assign() Method
- Object.seal() Method
- Object.freeze() Method
- Rest Syntax
- Object Destructuring
- Array Destructuring
- Object Spread
- Function Spread
- Array Spread
- DinosaurJS 2019
- Object.entries() Method
- Object.fromEntries() Method
- Object.keys() Method
- Object.values() Method
- Array.of() Method
- Array.from() Method
- .includes() Method
- Happy Birthday, Code and Tacos!
- .every() Method
- .some() Method
- .forEach() Method
- .reduce() Method
- .map() Method