.map() Method

The .map() array method returns a new array in which each item in the original array has been modified or worked with.


Example 1:

const names = ["Joey", "Tessa", "Sebastian"];
const lovesTacos = names.map(name => `${name} loves tacos!!`);
// expected output: Array ["Joey loves tacos!!", "Tessa loves tacos!!", "Sebastian loves tacos!!"]

Example 2:

const annualGiftAmounts = [120, 72, 60];
const monthlySustainerAmounts = annualGiftAmounts.map(gift => gift / 12);
// expected output: Array [10, 6, 5]

From MDN: The .map() method creates a new array with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling array.

See more examples and further documentation here.